So, Jennifer, tell us
about yourself.
I’m a quirky mother of 3
boys and a full time nursing student. I
got my acceptance letter to nursing school and my book on the same day, I
couldn’t choose which one to do, so I did both. I can’t wait to get out of
school so I can write on a regular basis again. I have many interests from
jiu-jitsu to baking.
genre do you write?
Mostly young adult
romance. Depending on the subject matter I’ve dabbled in time travel,
speculative fiction, historical, and paranormal. I have a few non-fiction
reflective essays published as well. My over active imagination serves me well
in this arena…not so much with my anxiety.
When did you start
I started writing about
four years ago when I was put on bed rest with my last pregnancy. I had plenty
of time and nowhere to go. I read so many books they became predictable. I also
ran into some books that left me wondering why the rubbish was ever published.
So…I wrote my own.
What are you working on
I’m currently working on
an adult speculative fiction about the Fountain of Youth and a guardian that keeps
the secret safe. Of course, it’s a romance, but I also have a drug cartel
adding some danger to the story for a little excitement—it balances out the
ooey-gooey love junk.
Who is your favorite
character in your stories?
The problem is I love
them all. They become like family, but if I had to choose one today it would
probably be Ben from Haley’s Song.
Margret and Ben’s story is coming together in my mind and I can’t wait to show
the world of Ben.
Do you see yourself in
any of your characters?
I pictured myself as
Sarah in Haley’s Song, but I also put
little pieces of myself in each of my heroines.
Where do you write?
Describe your workspace?
Drum rolls…the kitchen
table or the couch! I don’t have a fancy office or writing space. Sometimes if
I’m feeling really adventurous I’ll occupy the front porch.
Who are your all-time
favorite authors?
Okay, this list might be
really eclectic. Charlotte Bronte, Jane
Eyre is one of my favorite stories. Pat McManus is an absolutely fantastic
storyteller; my husband would read to me at night his hilarious stories would
have my crying from laughing so hard. Erma Bombeck has turned her witty musings
about motherhood into a fine art. Marcia Lynn McClure is my favorite romance
writer because she makes really strong male romantic characters and the
heroines have spunk and femininity. My favorite book of hers is The Fragrance of Her Name.
Did you find writing a
query letter a challenge? If so, how did you overcome it? Do you think there
was a key phrase or idea in your query letter?
I went to a writer’s
conference a couple of years back and Aprilynn Pike, author of a fabulous fairy
series, helped me with my first query letter. Wowzars, she in a very kind and
comical way told me that my query letter was junk, but then helped me figure
the darn thing out. Pretty embarrassing, but I understand query letters now. I
always put a hook line in my query letters like for my next book it’s, “Some
secrets are better kept…” The key idea is secrets.
What advice do you have
for a writer aspiring to be published?
Same thing that author
Donna Hatch told me…”Getting published is 90% work and 10% talent.” Also,
develop a thick skin—editing that bleeds red on your manuscript and numerous
rejection letters are the pits.
Would you like to acknowledge
someone for their assistance and faith in you?
Two people actually;
Jennifer Griffith, author
of Big In Japan encouraged and taught
me how to write more than any class I could’ve taken. I look up to her in every
way. She is my writing Yoda. J Her writing
“voice” is really something to aspire to. She helped me edit Haley’s Song and figure the ins and outs
of publishing.
My husband has been so
patient with this expensive little hobby of mine, even babysitting while I
attended conferences and writing retreats. He is AMAZING, but that’s why I
picked him.